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Before Intravenous Anesthesia Sedation

Posted on 7/4/2017 by Olivia Ortega
All Patients having General Anesthesia or Sedation:

1. DO NOT smoke, eat, or drink, anything INCLUDING WATER, for 8 hours prior to your surgery. Foods, liquids, even water could end up in your lungs during surgery and be life-threatening. If you are instructed to take medication prior to your appointment, do so with a very small sip of water only. Eat a light, easily digestible meal the evening before your surgery.

2. You must have a responsible adult accompany you to our office, wait during your procedure and drive you home. It is preferable that this person remain with you at home for 6 hours after your surgery to take care of you. You MAY NOT drive a car or take public transportation after your procedure for 24 hours.

3. Please wear short-sleeved shirt and loose, comfortable clothing. We will be placing heart and blood pressure monitors, and will need easy access to your upper arms. Please remove contact lenses and nail polish prior to surgery and DO NOT wear any makeup or jewelry of any kind. All piercings must be removed PRIOR to your arrival to the office.

4. If you develop symptoms of a head or chest cold, or there are any changes in your health or medical history prior to your surgery, please call our office immediately.

5. You are able to take all of my regular scheduled medications the night before and morning of surgery unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Beckley

6. You should not smoke for two weeks following my surgery.

Please be sure you are comfortable with these instructions, and understand them thoroughly.

Failure to comply with these instructions may result in cancellation of your appointment.

We have reserved your appointment time specifically for you. Appointments to be cancelled must be done with at least 24 hours notice in order to avoid a cancellation fee. Please also note that if you are 10 or more minutes late to your appointment, you may be rescheduled.

Please have some ice packs (frozen bags of peas/corn are okay) and soft foods (yogurt, macaroni & cheese, oatmeal, mashed potato) ready at home before surgery. The patient will need to rest the whole day after surgery, it would be nice to have some books and DVDs ready too!
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Board certified in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
The surgical specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery requires up to six additional years of hospital based surgical and anesthesia training beyond dental school.
Contact Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center Today!
The first step to a healthier, happier you.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am - 1:00 pm

1133 E. Stanley Blvd. #215 • Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925-290-7727 Fax: 925-294-8800
2160 W. Grant Line Road #160 • Tracy, CA 95377
Phone: 209-835-4600 • Fax: 209-835-8833

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For more information on oral surgery, and to schedule your consultation, call Pacific Oral & Facial Surgery Center in Livermore and Tracy today.
Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center, 1133 E Stanley Blvd #215, Livermore, CA 94550, 925-290-7727,, 2/11/2025, Page Phrases: oral surgeon Livermore,