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Dangers of Ignoring a Dental Abscess and Thinking It Will Go Away

Posted on 6/7/2021 by Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center
Dangers of Ignoring a Dental Abscess and Thinking It Will Go AwayA dental abscess is a tooth infection mainly caused by tooth decay after a tooth has cracked due to a deep cavity. The crack or hole in the tooth exposes it to bacteria and can cause excruciating pain. Though some people choose to ignore or endure the pain because of dental anxiety, this is never the right choice. Dental abscesses, when left untreated, can be life-threatening. Here are some dangers of ignoring a tooth infection.

Tooth Loss

A dental abscess, when ignored, can lead to tooth loss. This is because it can affect the gum. To save your tooth, our professional can treat it using crown and root canal therapy, which will help save the infected tooth. When the infection is not diagnosed and treated on time, the therapy might not be effective because the tooth will become weak, and this increases the risk of spreading the infection. In this case, you may need to have a dental implant to restore your oral function if the infection has not affected the bone's integrity.

Jawbone Infection

Your facial bones, especially the mandible and maxilla bone, cannot withstand the long-term existence of an infection. If the infection spreads to these bones, you may need to have them surgically removed to stop the spread of the infection. The infection can also weaken the bone structure, making it exceedingly difficult for your jaw to support your teeth.

Brain Abscess

If the infection is ignored, it can travel to the brain, and this is extremely serious. Abscess from the tooth can enter the brain in different ways, and it usually requires hospitalization. Brain abscesses are also very difficult to treat.

Blood Poisoning

Ignoring dental abscess can also cause blood poisoning or septicemia. This occurs when the infection raptures, spills into the blood and starts to circulate throughout the body. This is life-threatening because it can affect the brain, heart, and other vital organs. Contact us for the right treatment and therapy to save your tooth and even your life.
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Board certified in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
The surgical specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery requires up to six additional years of hospital based surgical and anesthesia training beyond dental school.
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Friday 7:00 am - 1:00 pm

1133 E. Stanley Blvd. #215 • Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925-290-7727 Fax: 925-294-8800
2160 W. Grant Line Road #160 • Tracy, CA 95377
Phone: 209-835-4600 • Fax: 209-835-8833

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For more information on oral surgery, and to schedule your consultation, call Pacific Oral & Facial Surgery Center in Livermore and Tracy today.
Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center, 1133 E Stanley Blvd #215, Livermore, CA 94550, 925-290-7727,, 9/8/2024, Related Phrases: oral surgeon Livermore,