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Reasons Your Jaw May Hurt If You Recently Fell

Posted on 5/10/2021 by Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center
Reasons Your Jaw May Hurt If You Recently FellJaw pain is a debilitating condition that can affect your ability to speak and eat. There are many causes of jaw pain, from dental conditions to falls and accidents. When involved in a fall accident, your jaw might sustain damage that causes constant pain. This explains why your jaws hurt after falling in an accident. For more reasons why your jaw may hurt if you fell recently, read on.

How Accidents Cause Jaw Pain

One of the leading causes of jaw pain is acute trauma caused by accidents. This is often attributed to punches, falls, and car accidents, among others. For instance, when you fall, the collision can result in a whiplash that causes dislocation of the jaw joint. If you have a dislocated jaw joint, you may experience jaw pain similar to that associated with a TMJ injury. This is why it is important to have our dentists examine your jaws and provide treatment where possible.

Other Causes of Jaw Pain

Apart from falling, there are other causes of jaw pain. For example, jaw pain can be caused by teeth clenching and teeth grinding. Also referred to as bruxism, teeth grinding is the unconscious moving of your teeth back and forth over each other, placing stress on tissues, facial muscles, and the jaw. This will not only result in worn-out teeth but also misaligned jaws; something that causes jaw pain. You will also notice a sharp jaw pain when speaking and eating.

Another possible cause of jaw pain is a previous fracture. When you experienced a fracture to your jaw that never healed, you will experience jaw pain whenever pressure is exerted on it. Dental problems and teeth misalignment can also cause jaw pain. This is why it is important to maintain good oral health. Also, regular visits to our offices can help identify a dental problem before it advances into a serious condition. For more information on jaw pain and its possible causes, contact our offices.
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Board certified in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
The surgical specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery requires up to six additional years of hospital based surgical and anesthesia training beyond dental school.
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