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What We Do to Prepare Your Tooth for a Crown

Posted on 10/11/2021 by Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center
What We Do to Prepare Your Tooth for a CrownIn some cases, when a dental filling is enough or the tooth is not severely damaged, we recommend a dental crown that will cover, protect, and restore the shape of your tooth. Dental crowns are a common option that will make your teeth durable and stronger. They will also help improve your smile. Contrary to what many people think, getting a dental crown is quite simple. Before the procedure, we will prepare your tooth for easier placement of crowns.

The Preparation Process

Our professionals will thoroughly examine your tooth and get it ready for a crown. They will also take X-rays of your tooth and other surrounding bones and file down the tooth. The level of filing will depend on the type of dental crown you are receiving. For instance, if you are getting a metal crown, you won't need excessive filing as compared to getting porcelain crowns. If there is a risk of tooth decay, infection, or injury to the tooth's blood vessels or nerves, you might need a root canal.

Once the tooth is filed down and ready for the crown, our professionals will make an impression of the tooth using paste. They will also take an impression of the teeth above the crown to ensure that the crown fits with your bite. After that, the impression is sent to the lab and will be ready in about two weeks. As you wait, we will give you a temporary crown that will help protect your teeth. Keep in mind that temporary crowns should only be used for a short period of time. They are not designed to last for long, and continued use will expose your tooth. It can also cause injuries due to a lack of proper fitting. Visit our offices for more information on dental crowns and how they are installed.
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Board certified in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
The surgical specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery requires up to six additional years of hospital based surgical and anesthesia training beyond dental school.
Contact Pacific Oral and Facial Surgery Center Today!
The first step to a healthier, happier you.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am - 1:00 pm

1133 E. Stanley Blvd. #215 • Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925-290-7727 Fax: 925-294-8800
2160 W. Grant Line Road #160 • Tracy, CA 95377
Phone: 209-835-4600 • Fax: 209-835-8833

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For more information on oral surgery, and to schedule your consultation, call Pacific Oral & Facial Surgery Center in Livermore and Tracy today.
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